Italian version    














The European Mineralogical Union (EMU) will cover the registration fee for a non-Italian participant.

for application use the registration form,

(information at registration page)

The FEI will cover the registration fee for 5 participants


for application use the registration form,

(information at registration page)

The UMBRELLA project will cover the registration fee for 5 participants

for application use the registration form, (information at registration page)



The Sociedad Espagnola de Mineralogia offers two grants of 300 € of financial assistance to cover the attendance costs. PhD students working in Spanish laboratories interested should apply sending a short CV and motivating the interest for the school (max 1 page) to Fernando Nieto, SEM vice-president, before March 31st 2011 (additional info on SEM web site.

The Société Française de Minéralogie et de Cristallographie  offers three grants of 300 € of financial assistance to cover the attendance costs for the participation of French students.  (additional info on SFMC web site).








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