La raccolta delle risorse disponibili in rete per la didattica online delle Scienze della Terra vuole fornire un servizio utile a tutti i docenti impegnati nello svolgimento delle lezioni a distanza di discipline che spesso prevedono attività di laboratorio e di terreno.
La raccolta è stata curata dai proff. Carla Braitenberg (, Bernardo Cesare (, Paolo Frattini ( e Luca Pandolfi ( ai quali è possibile segnalare eventuali risorse attualmente non presenti.
L'iniziativa di Coll.Geo nasce nel momento dell'emergenza Covid-19 ma si propone come uno strumento utile e da incrementare anche dopo il ristabilimento delle normali modalità didattiche.
Visibilità dei dati afferenti all'attività di esplorazione petrolifera in Italia. I dati sono utili per un corso di interpretazione di dati sismici, e contiene molti dati dati di pozzo e di sismica a riflessione per il territorio italiano, in particolar modo per i mari circostanti la penisola, compresi i profili a mare e in terra del progetto di ricerca CROP (Crosta Profonda).
Esplorazione petrolifera
GPlates is desktop software for the interactive visualisation of plate-tectonics. GPlates offers a novel combination of interactive plate-tectonic reconstructions, geographic information system (GIS) functionality and raster data visualisation. GPlates enables both the visualisation and the manipulation of plate-tectonic reconstructions and associated data through geological time.
EGU's Committee on Education aims to provide support for higher education (HE). We are considering providing workshops, conference sessions, resources, and networking opportunities for all those teaching geoscience in HE, including PhD students, postgraduates, research fellows, and permanent academic or teaching support staff.
This is a collection of educational videos from the field of geophysics. These videos were created to help students with a bachelor's degree in physics, mathematics or a subject in the field of geosciences enter the master's program in geophysics at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). Credits: All videos are produced by the Geophysical Institute (GPI) in collaboration with the Center for Technology-Enhanced Learning (ZML) at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).
Sito dedicato dall'Università di Porto (Portogallo) alla tettonica salina. Oltre alla definizione della terminologia appropriata (Glossario), il sito fornisce le conoscenze di base della tettonica salina e contiene una innumerevole quantità di sezioni ottenute dall'interpretazione di dati sismici a riflessione che attraversano bacini contenenti depositi salini. Sito utile per un corso di interpretazione sismica e per lo studio di bacini salini da parte di studenti e ricercatori.
Geofisica applicata
Expanded version of the original work of Öz Yilmaz on processing to include inversion and interpretation of seismic data. In addition to the developments in all aspects of conventional processing, this content represents a comprehensive and complete coverage of the modern trends in the seismic industry-from time to depth, from 3-D to 4-D, from 4-D to 4-C, and from isotropy to anisotropy.
Geofisica applicata
Solid Earth Teaching and Research Environment (SEATREE) is a modular and user-friendly software to facilitate using solid Earth research tools in the classroom and for interdisciplinary, scientific collaboration. We use python wrappers and make use of modern software design concepts, while remaining compatible with traditional scientific coding.
Geofisica della terra solida
The site offers Open-source Python packages for Geophysics that were developed by different reserachers. The site includes tools for data processing, modeling, and more. The software has been carefully designed and tested. The software strictly follows development best practices. The site includes a comprehensive documentation with Tutorials, examples, theory, and real data applications.
Geofisica della terra solida
V3Geo is a purpose-built site specifically designed for the sharing of virtual 3D models within the geoscience community. The site includes over a hundred high quality virtual outcrop models from across the globe and is set to grow rapidly in the coming months with a wide variety of 3D geoscience data.
Geologia di base, Stratigrafia
These materials guide students through designing surveys using TLS and SfM with increasingly higher-order questions as the units progress. Instructors can choose to use either or both methods for developing high resolution topographic models.
Geologia di base, Cartografia
Materiale vario, dispense di corsi messi a disposizione da Paolo Conti. Carte e Sezioni Geologiche, Analisi geomeccanica, Proiezioni stereografiche, Elementi di Geologia Strutturale, Analisi di Stabilità di Pendii in Roccia, Microstrutture, tessiture, meccanismi deformativi, Guida al Rilevamento Geologico, Strutture Geologiche, Sforzo e Deformazione nelle Rocce.
Geologia Generale
Sito dedicato all'analisi dei depositi sedimentari in un contesto tempo-stratigrafico. Fornisce le basi per il riconoscimento delle sequenze stratigrafiche associate a variazioni di apporto sedimentario e spazio di accomodamento. Utile per geologi stratigrafi e per l'interpretazione sismica di profili che attraversino, in particolare, margini continentali.
Geologia stratigrafica
Core photographs from the UCL Ainsa Project. As a follow-on from Keith's msg about core photographs from the Books Cliffs region of Utah, I posted online (via the AGU-Wiley website) the complete set of highest-quality core photographs from the UCL Ainsa Project that drilled 7 wells behind the cliff faces around Ainsa, Spanish Pyrenees (about 1400 m of core with really high core recovery).
Geologia stratigrafica
Virtual Microscope (Petroscan system) allows digitisation of entire rock thin sections at high resolutions, preserving the functionality of a conventional petrographic microscope. This includes views in plane polarized light and crossed polarized light at all rotation angles.
Geologia strutturale, microtettonica
Official videos from the LRRD River Geomorphology educational DVD, part of a sponsored project by the Missouri Department of Natural Resources, created to help educate students and laymen about River Geomorphology. A description of each video is included. Or download the teaching guide. Note that there is no sound in these clips.
Geomorfologia fluviale
The new Learn ArcGIS Hub experience provides collections of curated content to guide you in your discovery and exploration of ArcGIS capabilities and products. From beginners and students to advanced users and educators, the Learn ArcGIS Hub can help you learn, teach, and advance your GIS careers. Use the knowledge you gain from the Learn ArcGIS Hub to help the GIS community change our world for the better.
Procedure to load data in Arc / QGIS, georeference images (e.g., geological maps) and do a basic topographic analysis. Topographic analysis handout, including how to perform basic topographic analysis, extract river profiles and visualise topography and geology in Arc / QGIS
Applicazione web per l'esplorazione della variazione del livello mare da mareografi. Utile per esercitazioni. Dal Sito: PSMSL is the global data bank for long term sea level change information from tide gauges and bottom pressure recorders. Products: Browse the data set via Google Earth or obtain derived products, view regional commentaries and author archives. Training & Information: A wide variety of FAQs, training and software documentation, information on non-oceanographic signals in tide gauge records (e.g., glacial isostatic adjustment, atmospheric pressure, etc.).
The Virtual Microscope for Earth Sciences Project aims to make a step change in the teaching of Earth Sciences by broadening access to rock collections that are currently held in museums, universities and other institutions around the world. The intention is to engage and excite students in schools or higher education, and anyone interested in materials that make up the Earth's surface.
Virtual Petrographic Microscope (VPM) is a free standalone Windows and Mac OSX desktop software tool designed to aid geoscience researchers, students, and educators in rock thin section analysis without the need for a petrographic microscope.
Seismic tomography is the science of interpreting seismic measurements (seismograms) to derive information about the structure of the Earth. The subject of this course is the formal relationship existing between a seismic measurement and the nature of the Earth, or of certain regions of the Earth, and the ways in which we use seismic measurements to understand the Earth.
Goal: after taking this course, students will have the background knowledge necessary to start an original research project in global theoretical seismology. Topics: brief review of continuum mechanics and earthquake modeling. Approaches to solving the momentum equation in realistic Earth models, or ways to calculate a theoretical seismogram: homogeneous wave equation; P and S waves; eikonal equation and ray tracing; surface-wave solutions; normal-mode solutions. The problem of identifying a spherically symmetric model for the Earth (starting model for 3-D tomography).
Gli enti di ricerca mettono a disposizione video e database per studenti, insegnanti e famiglie. La scienza e la ricerca per la scuola da casa. I temi coprono geologia, sismologia, geofisica, i terremoti, i vulcani, e tanti altri argomenti sono presenti in questi contributi scientifici messi a disposizione di insegnanti, studenti e famiglie. È l'iniziativa promossa da tutti gli enti pubblici di ricerca italiani, che hanno selezionato contenuti, video e contributi interattivi per favorire lo studio e l'approfondimento da casa. La piattaforma, in continuo aggiornamento, consente di scegliere le risorse utilizzando il menù di ricerca.
Vari argomenti delle Geoscienze